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If they said the partner is considered as an immediate family, then for me, a domestic violence victim, my parents are my family, my life.

My parents applies for 143 in June 2017. At this time, the waiting period is only 24 months and now after 60 months, we haven’t heard anything from the immigration, even a single word.

My parents have only 2 daughters and both come to Australia to study and work since we turn 16 years old.

I have been through a super difficult time since my son just turns 1 year old and I was a victim of domestic violence in 2018. As a full-time employed and single mum, my son has to wake up at 6 am every day to spend 1.10 hours travelling each way to attend childcare near my workplace in the city. Then after work at 5.30 pm, I pick him up, travel home, and have a shower and dinner. Our day always finishes around 9.30-10 pm. It’s so cruel for a child to have such a long and busy routine since he turns 1 year old.

Now he is nearly 5 years old and my parent’s visas are still not in process. It is really wrong and unfair when on the day you submit the application, you were told the processing time would be 2 years. Then after 5 years, they haven’t come back to you. They just took 5k for the visa fee and disappeared. The parent’s visa should be treated equally to the partner’s visa. Partner’s visa is cheaper and can have Centrelink benefits after a few years and the most important is it can be sadly faked. While parents visa is the most expensive, can’t have any Centrelink before 10 years and are taking so much time. Why the immigration slows down the process? If they said the partner is considered as an immediate family, then for me, a domestic violence victim, my parents are my family, my life.

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