We are currently 3 years into the 143 visa system.
We are now hopeful that with the new government in place the process would speed up somewhat as alluded to many times by the Shadow Home Affairs Minister during the last government. I am forever an optimist!
We are here in Australia on an 870 (3 year) visa as a stop gap before we can hopefully settle full time. The frustrating thing is that we are still fit and young enough to work in the various employment markets, but not allowed to under the archaic rules of this visa in today’s present employment shortfalls situation. Agricultural and hospitality sectors to name two. This would allow us to pay taxes and contribute to the wider society.
However, I believe after our 3 years under the 870 visa we can apply for a bridging visa which will then allow us to work, an anomaly in the system methinks!
We are fortunate enough to also assist in the caring of our grandchild to allow his parents to work and save for a deposit on a mortgage. Bringing stability to their lives for the future. We come with many life skills and the teaching of the 5 R’s. reading, writing, rithmetic (slang), right and wrong.
As soon as our 143 is granted we would be looking to purchase a new home, therefore, supporting the construction industry, new furniture and new cars which would also include GST payments. Multiply this many times with the other parents in a similar situation. We would also be adding close to $100k into the coffas due to the costs of our visas. This expense could go towards recruiting extra personnel to populate the Home Affairs office in Perth. Less unemployment and a speedier outcome are all on the extending waiting list.
We are self-sufficient with savings, my wife’s state pension and my UK military pension.