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At the time of my application in 2021, the processing times online still said 5 years but with the current backlog, the processing time out is approx. 18 years!
I left my whole life behind in South Africa in 2019 to move to Australia in hopes of a better future. We were lucky that my husband managed to find a job willing to sponsor our TSS and PR visas.
Since we moved here my sister and parents have been working towards a way so that we can all be together again. My sister is currently here on a 2-year student visa, hoping that she can turn it into a permanent visa one day and my parents applied for 143 in January 2021.
At the time of application for the 143 visa, the processing times online still said 5 years but after joining a Facebook group and reading articles posted by various immigration agents, we realised that there is a huge backlog which could push the processing time out to approx. 18 years! The only way to relieve this backlog is for an increased quota per year to be allowed through. The current yearly limit is far too low.
This visa is very expensive and 18 years is unreasonable. I hope that the government will make it right.
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