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We will bring with us our pensions and savings from a lifetime of working (which will be spent in the Australian economy).

When we initially applied for our 143 visa, we were excited to think that in 42/44 months we would be on our way to join our 3 children and their partners, 12 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.  Yet, here we are, nearly 4 years in and still have another 25,000 applications in front of us which mean, at the present capped rate, it will probably be another 5 years before we join them. By this time we will be almost 70 yrs old which is probably not the best time in our lives to uproot and move to the other side of the world and be able to integrate into a new way of life.

Our eldest daughter and her family emigrated 14 years ago, our son went backpacking a year later and decided to settle there after meeting his wife and our last child followed with her family 5 years ago.
We are very lucky to be able to visit them twice a year but the goodbyes are heartbreaking.  We need to be with them now to help them, as my parents helped us when our children were young. We want to be still young enough to have fun with the grandchildren.
We will bring with us our pensions and savings from a lifetime of working (which will be spent in the Australian economy) so we have enough money to buy a home and keep ourselves for the rest of our lives – we don’t intend to be a burden on anyone.
Life for us is in limbo, we feel unable to enjoy what should be the best times of our lives because we cannot make any long term plans.  The present system with its ridiculously long waiting time is unjust and unfair.
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