Vanessa’s parents have two children, both of whom live in Sydney and have professional jobs.
Vanessa held a PhD scholarship from an Australian university and has received competitive funding and awards for her research.
She specialises in medical research, with an expertise in neurological sciences. She has amassed over more than ten years of experiences in her specialty. Although Australia has made considerable investments in the medical research that Vanessa has conducted, Vanessa had to give up her work to spend time focusing on her family commitments.
Her children are now 4 and 1.5 years of age.
Her parents applied for Visa 143 in 2017. With the current annual cap, they will have to wait a few more years before it is granted.
Despite her being a research scientist in a highly specialised and demanding medical field, unless and until her parents are granted a visa, she has had no choice but to choose a less-specialised career which allows for the flexibility young parents need.